Trial Presentation
Present the Most Compelling Case
Alpha offers the latest equipment and software in trial technology. Successful trial presentation can turn complex technology and concepts into easily understood images that compel your audience to follow your trial story. Your words carry added impact with precisely timed slides and visuals.
Visual presentation can be quite effective, acting as an aid in the decision-making process and even affecting the perception of the evidence.
Trial Director Software
One of Alpha’s tools used in trial presentation is Trial Director, which includes the following benefits:
Instant Access: Display any exhibit and trial graphics instantaneously, without having to dig through documents or sort through boards.
Multimedia: Present various types of demonstrative evidence, including documents, photos, trial graphics, medical illustrations, videos and 3D animations.
Live Annotation: Trial Director allows the Trial Tech to zoom in, highlight, rotate and annotate live in the courtroom. This interactive approach guides jurors through the case, making your key points salient in the jurors’ memories.
Synchronized Depo Video Playback: Deposition playback plays an important role when testimony is presented to the jury.
Let Alpha become an essential part of your trial team by assisting and advising in every aspect of the trial process, from the organization of documents to the final storytelling with visual presentation. We provide an electronic presentation of evidence and demonstrative exhibits that are seamless and transparent, allowing you to concentrate your presentation of the facts and examination of your witness.